7 points by indiehacker4 14 hours ago | 5 comments
I have made a research of tools that are currently available for that and I've found that ChatGpt is quite biased with some topics and it lacks data about latest issues even when search mode is enabled. At least it takes some time for it to update it's memory or something
Then I've checked a Google Fact Check tools which were even worse. Bad UI... I had no idea how it validates things because usually proof links that Google provides are quite random.
So I decided to build a tool that simplifies the research. The idea was simple - you have a claim - you paste it in app and it goes on web collects articles on topic then processes them with ai and makes a decision based on those articles.
The app is running right now. It is completely free and no ads. Also it generates a small article where it tells about how it made a conclusion.
The link to app is: https://truthorfake.com/
Also I need your help - How can I make this app better? Also feel free to test your claims so that I can have more real data to tune this app on.
I believe that this is something that is necessary for all of us especially in those crazy times!
Thanks for reading this!
indiehacker4 35 minutes ago
two_handfuls 13 hours ago
I love the idea and want to see this succeed. It may need a bit more time in the oven though.
indiehacker4 50 minutes ago
cookiengineer 4 hours ago
You have the right intent, but I think you're missing out on the game strategies at play. Personally, I decided to combat this war of misinformation in cyberspace rather than in mindspace.
The problem with their tactics is that they control the conversation, and that's the point. By controlling the narrative they control what's accepted (or pushed into being accepted) to talk about. Using bogus papers as proxies for their real intent, and themselves actually not being interessted in a scientific or rational discussion.
It's a war about beliefs and emotions, not opinions and discussions.
[1] https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbAN...
two_handfuls 13 hours ago