16 points by tombert 20 hours ago | 21 comments
Obviously I could use Google Analytics or something, but I would rather not introduce any kind of Google tracking to my site. Honestly I think I'd be happy enough with one of those "counter" things from the 90's.
Does anyone here have anything? It's been forever since I've done anything like this, I'm sure the state of the art has advanced.
stefanos82 20 hours ago
gumshoe30 19 hours ago
wannabebarista 20 hours ago
I've used it for six years and am quite happy with it.
threekindwords 14 hours ago
xcircle 17 hours ago
reconnecting 17 hours ago
It's self-hosted, PHP/Postgresql, server-side. Plus, you can get a free tier with 1,000 API requests/month if you want to enrich data about your IP visitors. As a co-founder, I believe it's one of the most advanced solutions available. (-;
If not joking, I use tirreno for some personal websites with partly masked IP as it shows very interesting insights about bots and their behavior.
Under 90s thing you probably mean is awstats (https://github.com/eldy/awstats). CERN and many other organizations continue to use it even now.
webpagealert 14 hours ago
coronapl 19 hours ago
If you ever decide to host your blog on a cloud provider, Cloudflare provides nice and simple analytics.