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NY Assembly Bill: Criminal background checks for (nearly all) 3D printers

48 points by superkuh 3 days ago | 31 comments

xeromal 2 days ago

Such a garbage bill. You could do more damage with an easier to make home made potato cannon or pipe bomb

int_19h 2 days ago

I think you might not be up-to-date on the current state of 3D-printed firearms.

(The law is still silly, but for other reasons.)

magic_smoke_ee 2 days ago

An iffy 3d-printed gun using crappy materials can technically work for a few hundred rounds doesn't mean much in a country full of lots of legal guns of all sorts. And while I don't want TdA mass-producing RPGs, but that's not a problem solvable by regulating milling machines.

The problem is some people want total, invasive, inconsistent control over what other people can do, make, and be for ideological reasons rather than rational ones.

adriancr 2 days ago

> The barrel can be rifled polygonally through electrochemical machining.

It's not fully 3d printed. 3d printed parts are fragile.

So what exactly are they banning?

Why not ban the electrochemical machining instead?

imtringued 2 days ago

It's a metal tube that has some plastic around it to make it comfortable to hold. They are basically banning the production of "comfort features", not weapons themselves.

unethical_ban 2 days ago

Totally unrelated, what would be a good 3d printer for building rugged models, and what would be a good website to find designs of things to print?

Dig1t 2 days ago

This is actually a completely legal (and awesome) hobby.

A good site to find and share designs is

EA-3167 22 hours ago

I think it's telling that recently we saw an ex Green Beret make an IED, killing only himself. The day before however we saw someone drive a car into a crowd, killing what... a dozen people? Meanwhile their firefight with the police killed no one, and their IED's failed.

I'm pretty sure the average SUV can do more damage than the average 3D printed firearm.

verdverm 2 days ago

§ 398-G. Sale of certain three-dimensional printers. 1. Any retailer of a three-dimensional printer sold in this state which is capable of printing a firearm, or any components of a firearm, is required and authorized to request and receive criminal history information concern- ing such purchaser from the division of criminal justice services in accordance with the provisions of section eight hundred forty-five-b of the executive law. Access to and the use of such information shall be governed by the provisions of such section. The division of criminal justice services is authorized to submit fingerprints to the federal bureau of investigation for a national criminal history record check.

The any components of a firearm phrase seems the one that makes this opaque to what printers will be covered. One could see this apply to all printers depending on who you classify part

fakedang 2 days ago

How stupid is this law? NYC is literally an hours drive from 3 states, none of which will pass this stupid law.

It's like being stupid is a requirement to get elected to the NY Senate.

c22 2 days ago

Are they still going to allow just any random weirdo to own a lathe?

magic_smoke_ee 2 days ago

Even if this were a serious bill rather than ostensible fodder, the possibility of Fahrenheit 451 turning from an indexed satire into a documentary as it was ground into swarf and burned is doing anything but decreasing.

sevensor 2 days ago

I recommend rereading Fahrenheit 451. Satire is not what I’d call it. Nor is it in any way about suppressing technical information — the firemen themselves have printed manuals — it’s about suppressing meaning in favor of triviality as a means of social control.