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Ask HN: Is maintaining a personal blog still worth it?

217 points by namanyayg 2 months ago | 161 comments

Remember when maintaining a blog was THE way to build your developer brand?

When thoughtful technical writing could lead to speaking gigs, job offers, and meaningful connections?

But in 2025, the landscape has shifted dramatically:

- LinkedIn's algorithmic feed heavily favors short-form "broetry" over substantive technical content - Twitter/X has become a battleground of AI-generated hot takes - Medium is drowning in SEO-optimized tutorials that all say the same thing

Unless you're already established or willing to play the AI-SEO game, it feels impossible to build genuine readership for a technical blog in 2025.

Yet part of me wonders if I'm just being cynical. Maybe there's still value in writing for its own sake? Or perhaps there are distribution channels I haven't considered?

For those still maintaining personal blogs: How do you find readers? Where do you share your content? And most importantly - why do you keep writing?

simonw 2 months ago

The fact that so few people blog these days makes blogging even more influential than it used to be.

You can establish yourself as something of a global expert on some topic just by writing about it a few times a month over the course of a year!

Don't expect people to come to your blog. Practice - Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere - post things on your blog and then tweet/toot/linkedin/submit-to-hacker-news/share-in-discord etc.

Also, don't worry too much about whether you get traffic at the time you write something. A lot of the reputational value comes from having written something that you can link people to in the future. "Here are my notes about that topic from last year: LINK" - that kind of thing.

There's a lot to be said for writing for its own sake, too. Just writing about a topic forces you to double-check your understanding and do a little bit more research. It's a fantastic way of learning more about the world even if nobody else ever reads it.

theshrike79 2 months ago

POSSE is the way.

I don't have a blog, but I POSSE by keeping stuff I write in Obsidian.

The internet is a circular loop of "engagement", the same crap comes up everywhere. People as recommendations for the same stuff, argue about the same things.

I got tired of rewriting the same thing from memory so now I have it pre-written (And sourced in some cases) in Obsidian. I can just copy-paste from there with minor modifications and updates and spend less energy in shooting down the most common misconceptions.

Might turn it into a blog later, but I've tried it a few times and I always end up bikeshedding about blog engines and themes and deployment :D

1024kb 2 months ago

This feels like the perfect segway to POSSE my own blog, that I have recently started. I went through the same process when trying to chose a framework to write my blog, and I was never happy with the options. so...

mikewarot 2 months ago

The whole point is to point back to something public, building links to increase it's Google Juice. I thought Obsidian was a private repository, thus there are no links, and all you're doing is feeding some future AI, for no private benefit.

wduquette 2 months ago

This. I've been doing mostly non-technical blogging since blogging was a thing, and this all tallies with my experience. And that last paragraph is key: "There's a lot to be said for writing for its own sake, too."

In short, when you are blogging you are actually writing for yourself. If other folks find it useful/interesting/amusing, that's gravy.

jdboyd 2 months ago

There is also something to be said for having the writing there when someone wants to find out something about you. I get hardly any traffic on my blog, but it still has helped secure jobs because the right person was looking for info on me and liked what they read.

memhole 2 months ago

I’ve found it really helpful. By far one of the best things I’ve done is starting writing. There’s a long history of journaling or having a diary. And you’re totally right. Being able to send someone a link to something wrote is immensely valuable.

dewey 2 months ago

Define "worth it", but I've written a blog post about some printer driver issue two years ago and it now happened twice that someone (Older person, not very technical) reached out over email and asked for some further help and I could walk them step by step through using a Terminal, booting into macOS recovery mode and fixing the issue.

The Apple store and Epson told them to do a clean install so they were very grateful and it made me happy that I could help them. Worth it for me!

theshrike79 2 months ago

I think the issue nowadays is that people expect to have a MILLION FOLLOWERS and a revenue stream and a personal brand and and...

In the ye olden days people just blogged about stuff they found interesting. If nobody read it, it was still out there for someone to find. I can remember multiple times where finding some obscure blog helped me debug an issue I had.

Now it's all hidden in Reddit or even worse in TikTok or Youtube videos that won't get indexed properly.

carlosjobim 2 months ago

In ye olden days, people who were online had a stable income from a cushy job or retirement, with ample of free time and energy to do a bit of blogging.

In today's world of global economic depression, everybody is fucking bloodshot eyed desperate to make enough money to have a roof over their head. So if they have time and energy to make a quality blog, it means they are scraping by financially and need to monetize ASAP. And if they are employed it means they don't have the time or energy left when they're at home to make a quality blog.

jmclnx 2 months ago

Yes, define "worth it".

If you want thousands of people reading it, probably not. If you just want it there for posterity, I would say yes. In that case maybe see if it is in the wayback machine.

I have moved my site to gemini with a gopher mirror, I find that far easier to maintain and I do not really care who or if anyone sees it :)

nicce 2 months ago

If the "worth it" includes provable portfolio of skills, I don't know a better place than series of well-written blog posts.

Other "worth it" could be the development of your writing skills, documenting own learning path and so on. Maybe something can be even useful for you as well later on.

If you think "worth it" as a way to get attention, get job offers automatically e.g., likely not worth it unless it gets HN front page.

anileated 2 months ago

Note that anyone not living under a rock in 2025 would assume a significant probability that the articles in your blog are generated with an LLM, making it hardly a signal of skill.

amonith 2 months ago

I see your comment grayed out as if it was downvoted but this is 100% true and my colleagues share your sentiment. I still think writing is valuable (as is note-taking as a whole) for personal reasons but most people I know assume that most new professional content is LLM generated. Only if the writing is s*t we kind of believe that it was written by a human but that is also bad for obvious reasons.

bitbasher 2 months ago

I've had hn "front page" blog posts multiple times, and no I never got any job offers ;p

skydhash 2 months ago

I think it’s more kind of a supportive role. Like a portfolio for an artist, it helps with marketing yourself to the other person. Like: “Yes, I know embedded programming, I even blogged about $PROJECT I did a while back”. Having something that can be independently verified and judged helps more that talking.

raudette 2 months ago

I wrote an article on how to resolve ink blobs smearing onto a page for Epson Expression printers years ago - just based on the people who've written me (which is just a fraction of the number that have found and viewed the page), I've extended the life of many Epson printers.

palata 2 months ago

I write for myself. I don't track, I don't care if people read my blog.

I do mention my blog on my resume together with code repositories. It is some kind of portfolio, and it is a good learning experience for me.

I don't think that it is worth "building a brand", unless you want to specialize in building brands. It's not like someone at Google will ever read your blog and offer you a job; if you want to work at Google, learn how to pass their interview process. If you want to be visible on social media, probably you need to follow a ton of people, engage with them, produce a lot of content and the kind of content that people like or repost. This has nothing to do with a personal blog, though.

Another thing is that if you find it worth blogging about, it's probably niche in the first place. If it's common knowledge, it's probably already on Wikipedia, or StackOverflow, or now some LLM (and if you wait long enough, your blog will be part of the LLM, whether you want it or not).

I see it like FOSS: if you do it with the hope that many people will use it, then I think it's a bad idea. Because you work for free and people will never be happy. If you do it for yourself, it's great!

jmmv 2 months ago

> It's not like someone at Google will ever read your blog and offer you a job; if you want to work at Google, learn how to pass their interview process.

My blog literally had that effect from Google, many years ago -- although obviously I still had to go through the interview process. And my blog definitely helped me land my past and current jobs as recently as 2 years ago.

palata 2 months ago

> although obviously I still had to go through the interview process

So they did not exactly offer you a job, did they? Say you had applied spontaneously without this first contact, would it have been different?

I have had multiple people tell me that they got "recruited" by a FAANG. And when I ask details, what happened is more that some recruiter "convinced" them to apply and go through the interview process. So they did not really get offered a job: they applied and went through the process. I get a ton of messages on LinkedIn from all sorts of recruiters...

> And my blog definitely helped me land my past and current jobs

Was it because the companies discovered you through your blog? Or did you apply and put your blog on your resume as a portfolio?

My point is: I think that a blog is part of your portfolio, and I agree it may help when applying for a job. But I don't believe in "building a personal brand" such that a company magically offers you a job.

rcarmo 2 months ago

Well, I've been doing it for over 22... 23? years. I still get regular emails from readers every other week, and I just share the RSS feed (full text, by the way) and have a bot on Mastodon (previously on Twitter) that posts new links or major edits (controlled via post metadata).

I keep writing ( because:

a) my wiki (looks like a blog, but it is a wiki, roughly 9500 pages of it these days - is a public notepad of sorts, and I often do stuff that is either unique enough to not be documented anywhere or of interest to some technical fields (so many people found me because Google search used to work).

b) I refer to my notes frequently and share them, and it helps if they can be made public, especially when dealing with customers.

c) writing is sort of what I do. I like it, and it greatly benefits my ability to recall things. Every engineer on the planet should know how to write and communicate effectively, simply because explaining things always improves your ability to reason about problems.

That said, it's kind of weird to search for something I need to fix and come across my old self from 5-10 years ago.