57 points by yamrzou 7 days ago | 34 comments
SketchySeaBeast 5 days ago
ktallett 5 days ago
SketchySeaBeast 5 days ago
robertlagrant 5 days ago
patrulek 5 days ago
Because ants dont have business units. Most of us, programmers, are slaves to the business and we have to do what they want from us, not what we want or think is optimal to do. And the requirements can change often. How fast those changes would be notified by others in decentralized "ants approach"? Would the business survive with this approach?
igor47 4 days ago
I think the reason this system doesn't work is not that engineers don't want to solve business problems. It is instead that most organizations are pulled in conflicting directions by the need to solve simultaneously their business's ostensible problem, while also satisfying the wealth/power/prestige goals of certain individuals. In times like these, you can't just let the engineer colony wiggle towards an optimal solution.
Lest you think this take too conventional...It might be worth considering whether a jump in abstraction level might anyway converge to the same ant -like approach. The engineers are more like the legs of an ant, centrally controlled by its nervous system. The ant is the organization, and at that abstraction level it still does find an optimal path towards higher level goals, in the service of which the PM or the CEO is as much as ant. I don't really believe this, but I think some people sincerely do and it's certainly worth considering
olau 5 days ago
Part of the mindset is that when you see a co-worker end up in the wrong place with some new code, you ask yourself, can I do something to our code base to lower the probability of it happening again?
MrLeap 5 days ago
netdevphoenix 5 days ago