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Distributed Transactions at Scale in Amazon DynamoDB (2023)

82 points by lambrospetrou 6 days ago | 59 comments

samsquire 3 days ago

So one shot transactions can check if every timestamp in every write and item inside the transaction packet depends on data that is before the timestamp of that particular monotonic transaction timestamp?

And the pattern of including "check" transaction item is how we manually maintain data integrity (characteristic of Atomic in DBMS)

And we know which transactions are writing because they told us they wanted to write in the prepare phase (the part that the transaction manager handles separate from the one shot transaction information perspective from the client with its own communication between the transaction manager and storage nodes)

I implemented a toy dynamodb that is a trie in front of a hash map, it handles the "begins with" query style.

XorNot 3 days ago

The only reason I ever used DynamoDB was because no one asked any questions if I bought an Amazon service which didn't look like a regular database, which in turn made a whole product deployment component on a deadline possible.

I couldn't really find any compelling reason to use it though: an RDBMS would've been way easier.

smashedtoatoms 3 days ago

I came here for the bad takes, and I have not been disappointed. Dynamo slays when you know your access patterns and need consistent performance and no operations requirements. Turns out, that's the case most of the time. Think about it as application state instead of a db. It's not key-value like Redis. GSIs with compound keys allow access to data across multiple dimensions on virtually unlimited data with consistent performance. Its weakness is querying data across dimensions you didn't plan on. If you need that regularly, it sucks. If you need that once in awhile, write a migration.

davidjfelix 3 days ago

Agreed. It's wild to me how many people think they need arbitrary queries on their transactional database and then go write a CRUD app with no transactional consistency between resources and everything is a projection from a user or org resource -- you can easily model that with Dynamo. You can offload arbitrary analytical queries or searches to a different database and stop conflating that need with your app's core data source.

pdhborges 3 days ago

Well my experience has always been the opposite. New query patterns are always appearing. The difference between an OLTP and an OLAP query is not as clear cut as one might imagine that justifies huge changes to an existing system.

cldcntrl 3 days ago

> Turns out, that's the case most of the time.

Here's most of the time out in the real world:

- Low-cardinality partition key leading to hot keys, trashing capacity utilization.

- Bad key design means access patterns are off the table forever, as nobody wants to take on data migration with BatchWriteItem.

- Read/write spikes causing throttling errors. The capacity concept is difficult - people don't understand how capacity relates to partitions and object sizes, or wrongly assume "On-Demand Capacity" means throttling is impossible, or that Provisioned Capacity Autoscaling is instant.

- Multiple GSIs to cover multiple access patterns = "why is our bill so high?".

I've seen these issues over and over again while working with real organizations.

Of course it's impressive technology, it's just so littered with traps that I've stopped recommending it except in very specific cases.

tbarbugli 4 days ago

Using DynamoDB in 2025 is such a weird proposition. Horrible dev experience, no decent clients/libs, complex pricing, weird scaling in/out mechanism, slow, it only works well for well defined use-cases.

eknkc 3 days ago

2 times I have used DynamoDB and been extremely happy;

- In a SAAS API service we used dynamodb to look up API keys and track their daily usage data. It is fast enough to look up k/v pairs (api key => key info). And also aggregate small sets (We'd sum up call counts for current month and check if the API key had enough credits). This meant that the API itself did not need our RDBMS to function. We also had a postgresql instance for all relational data, subscriptions, user info etc. Had a trigger that would push any api key / subscription change to DynamoDB. In case of RDS issues, things kept chugging along.

- Working on a large buzzfeed like social media / news site in my country. We needed to store a lot of counters (reactions to articles, poll answers etc). All went into dynamodb and looked up from there. No hits on actual rdbms. There were a lot of traffic and dynamo made scaling things / keeping rds from melting easy for this kind of non critical data.

I'd not build an entire thing on DynamoDB but for specific use cases, I just loved it.

rad_gruchalski 3 days ago

> We also had a postgresql instance for all relational data, subscriptions, user info etc. Had a trigger that would push any api key / subscription change to DynamoDB.

Wouldn't doing it right there in postgres limit your footprint?

eknkc 2 days ago

We did not want postgres to be a central failure point of this API.

Needed a pretty high uptime guarantee so we decided that as long as AWS region is up and running, the API would also be available by using only completely managed aws services like dynamodb, lambda etc. Also had a bunch of beefy servers around other providers (hetzner, etc) handling the actual work. They did not have any other dependencies either.

narmiouh 3 days ago


eknkc 3 days ago

What would we gain from Redis in these use cases?

We used it extensively on the second project I mentioned and a couple of other projects for caching / rate limiting and distributed locking needs. Never enabled the persistence layer (which I believe is pretty durable). So we only treated as an ephemeral data store, lowering the architectural complexity of things significantly. Otherwise you need to think about backups, testing backups, clustering in case of scaling needs, I have no idea how persistence works with clustering... DynamoDB is fully managed and solid.

mejutoco 3 days ago

There are redis offerings that are fully managed as well. You have both options.

ndr 3 days ago

is it as easy to make that data durable?

guiriduro 3 days ago

Way too many teams choose Dynamodb too soon. Scalability, 0 management, coolness whatever. They don't realise until its too late that their application data needs are changing with feature requests and that with Ddb it implies doing 3D-chess each time to ensure the denormalised data is re-arranged the right way, rather than just using PostgreSQL with JSONB and adding an index, until/if it gets to FAANG scale, a bridge you can safely cross much later on.

mrkeen 3 days ago

Very often I find myself wanting to store item(s) using a key.

My items are not relations, and I don't see the point in transforming them to and from relational form. And if I did, each row would have like 5 columns set to NULL, in addition to a catch-all string 'data' column where I put the actual stuff I really need. Which is how you slow down an SQL database. So RDBMS is no good for me, and I'm no good for RDBMS.

RDBMS offers strong single-node consistency guarantees (which people leave off by default by using an isolation level of 'almost'!). But even without microservices, there are too many nodes: the DB, the backend, external partner integrations, the frontend, the customer's brain. You can't do if-this-then-that from the frontend, since 'this' will no longer be true when 'that' happens. So even if I happen to have a fully-ACID DB, I still lean into events & eventual consistency to manage state across the various nodes.

Given that I'm using more data than a naive CRUD/SQL app would (by storing events for state replication) and my data is stringy enough to kill my (and others') performance. So what's the solution? Make my read-writes completely independent from other read-writes - no joins, no foreign keys, etc.

The thing that would put me off using DynamoDB is the same reason I wouldn't use any other tech - can I download it? For this reason I'd probably reach for Cassandra first. That said I haven't looked at the landscape in a while and there might be much better tools.

But it also wouldn't matter what I want to use instead of DynamoDB, because the DevOps team of wherever I work will just choose whatever's native&managed by their chosen cloud provider.

throwaway82452 3 days ago

> The thing that would put me off using DynamoDB is the same reason I wouldn't use any other tech - can I download it?

Amazon provides a downloadable version for development. I don't know how close it is to the real thing, but it makes it easier to do local dev.

Localstack also supports it in their paid version

dygd 3 days ago

The downloadable version is nowhere near ready for production. It's performance is also excruciatingly slow.

tempworkac 3 days ago

It doesn't really make any sense to use it locally - the whole point is that it's managed. If you just want a clustered key value store you could use Cassandra, Garnet, etc.

plandis 3 days ago

I think people mostly use it for unit testing functionality since it’s generally a faster dev loop compared to running integration tests.

snapcaster 2 days ago

It's not supposed to be used for production, it's supposed to be used for development

Lapapapaja 3 days ago

> I still lean into events & eventual consistency to manage state across the various nodes.

You can get really far with a RDMS before event sourcing etc is needed, the benefit being both your dev and user experience are going to be much simpler and easier.

If you already know your problem domain and scaling concerns up front sure. But starting with a scalable pattern like this is a premature optimization otherwise and will just slow you down.

mrkeen 3 days ago

> You can get really far with a RDMS before event sourcing etc is needed

You can manage up to 0 partners easily. Once you go above that threshold, you're into "2-Generals" territory. At that point you're either inconsistent, eventually-consistent, or you're just bypassing your own database and using theirs directly.

> dev and user experience are going to be much simpler and easier.

I have objects, not relations. I'm not going to do the work of un-nesting a fat json transaction to store it in a single relation (or worse, normalise it into rows across multiple tables).

mulmen 3 days ago

Yeah this is a much better initial dev experience but you still have a schema, even if you ignore it. When your objects are inconsistently shaped something has to fix them. That something is going to take the shape of custom code that would make even the Perl-iest DBA blush.

mrkeen 2 days ago

So we've shifted from:

  SQL now (for dev experience) && no-SQL later (for scaling)

  no-SQL initially (for *much better* dev experience) && no-SQL later (for scaling)
I can get behind that.

> When your objects are inconsistently shaped something has to fix them

They have one schema (the class file) instead of two (the class file and the SQL migrations).

mulmen 2 days ago

> They have one schema (the class file) instead of two (the class file and the SQL migrations).

But what happens when that schema defining class file needs to change? You put all your migration code there? How is that different from SQL migrations?

mike_hearn 3 days ago

Some RDBMS only offer single node consistency but others can scale write masters horizontally (e.g. Oracle).

njitbew 3 days ago

> Horrible dev experience, no decent clients/libs, complex pricing, weird scaling in/out mechanism, slow, it only works well for well defined use-cases.

Most of these arguments probably don't outweigh the benefits. If you're in need of a managed, highly-consistent, highly-scalable, distributed database, and you're already an AWS customer, what would you use instead?

oweiler 3 days ago

Aurora Serverless Postgres e.g.

belter 3 days ago

Completely different use cases....

andrewstuart 2 days ago

Postgres running in a computer.