50 points by Qem 1 week ago | 25 comments
red_admiral 7 days ago
poulpy123 7 days ago
lblume 7 days ago
red_admiral 7 days ago
poulpy123 6 days ago
recursivedoubts 1 week ago
that’s why I’m making my language as big and poorly specified as possible:
emmanueloga_ 7 days ago
Vampiero 7 days ago
Common patterns in functional languages are considered "too clever" in most workplaces. Because they leave new hires dumbfounded and no one has got the time to explain them how to do their job. It's not that they're too "clever" but rather that the average coworker is too "dumb". But that's not a jab at anyone in particular, it's a consequence of our work culture -- and "clever" and "dumb" are not statements about intelligence, but about experience and team composition.
Basically the incentives are actually opposite to each other. It takes a long time to wrap your head around languages like Haskell because you actually have to know some theory, you can't just wing it. Javascript however...
On one side of the spectrum there's imperative languages and on the other end there's declarative ones. So this dichotomy creates friction and inertia.
adamc 7 days ago
I love Lisps, but for most companies, it's not the right investment. People don't leave school knowing lisp, its flexibility can be a downside with inexperienced developers, and it doesn't have the kind of ecosystem something like JavaScript or Python or Java or even C++ have. Nor can you easily hire contractors to help you on a project or to help clean up a mess.
Businesses like solutions that can be planned for, that are easy to hire for, that one can get help with if things go badly.
discreteevent 7 days ago
pyrale 7 days ago
As for those who believe their language of choice can actually become mainstream, it's a long, soul-crushing and miserable road.
eternityforest 7 days ago
Understanding what kind of things people will build with you language would probably help, so you don't waste time trying to please people who will not use your language anyway.