115 points by aerugo_ 1 week ago | 29 comments
I needed a project management tool, and what we had on offer was too clunky and old. I built SimpleGantt to be ultra lightweight and portable. It's one HTML, one Javascript and one CSS file. Each project is saved into a single .yaml file.
If you have a SharePoint environment you can "host" it by uploading the repo to SharePoint after renaming simplegantt.html to simplegantt.aspx. That allows anyone with access to open the tool by simply having the URL.
Try it at: https://aerugo.github.io/simplegantt/simplegantt
This is a couple of days of tinkering, and mostly exists to keep me from going crazy while managing projects with lots of deadlines and dependencies, so don't expect much. But another person in the same position, finding this might lead to calmer days.
greatgib 1 week ago
I wish more things are released like that.
Also your tool might be very useful because there isn't a good Gantt tool that is lightweight anymore, i search for one recently and my only solution in the end was to use an excel template...
My 2 feedbacks if you are interested: - it is annoying to have the "category" required to create a task. Maybe you could create a task with an "undefined" category if none provided? - a great feature would be to be able to export the result output or view in a PNG picture or SVG.
yodon 1 week ago
The first button in the bar is create a new task. That's the first thing any visitor will click. If you try to create a task there is no category available, no hint they are required or important, no reason why I'd care what category the task is, and the error state is indicated by a green highlight - the universal signal for "everything is good." All I would have seen is, hmm, I can't make a task, this must be broken. Move on.
I mention all of this because the app looks like a fantastic new tool and I suspect this small issue would have a much bigger impact on adoption than you might anticipate as the author of the tool.
OldGuyInTheClub 1 week ago
Feature request: Allow planning by days following Authorization to Proceed or similar undefined start date. I realize this runs into its own problems but 99% of the time I don't know when that date might be yet I need to lay out a schedule to support a proposal to get the funding to do the job being planned. Weekends, holidays, and other specifics are less important than a view of task relationships and milestones over weeks and months.
Even the huge MS Project cannot or will not do that.
aerugo_ 5 days ago
mickdarling 1 week ago
It looks like a light weight tool. Thanks.
aerugo_ 5 days ago
dijit 1 week ago
Over the last 15 years the browser has become more and more of an application delivery platform, and that notion has caused SaaS to run basically everything.
I realised this not too long ago, and incidentally it was due to gantt software.
We, like everyone it seems, use Jira for issue tracking, but the actual roadmapping of resources and dependencies leaves a lot to be desired, tools like Microsoft Project are not only prohibitively expensive- they also don't work on MacOS.
Similar issues can be levied at Omnigraph.
Only SaaS tools like "InstaGantt" seem to fit the bill of cross-platform, lightweight and reasonably cost effective.
Note: I'm currently not using Instagantt, despite it being the closest to good I could find, because I dislike subscriptions. :(
HPsquared 1 week ago
I'd use a plain file picker for loading instead of the file system access API. That's even less security cross-section.
zekenie 1 week ago
aerugo_ 5 days ago
starky 6 days ago