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MQTT turns 25

259 points by andypiper 19 hours ago | 65 comments

gorbypark 16 hours ago

I think my first project that's still "in production" and used daily was taking an existing SVG map of a water distribution system (snowmaking and fire suppression pipelines/pumps/valves/etc at a major ski resort). I made a MQTT topic for each pump, valve and section of pipe along with some state for each (water direction, pump or valve on/off, pressures, etc). It's a website, so I used mqtt.js and jQuery to update the colours and fills of the SVG to represent the various states. It's statically hosted and there's a mqtt broker that's been running in a container, untouched for nearly 10 years now. Mqtt.js is running over a web socket, so if the state is updated, it just magically updates for everyone else.

remram 11 hours ago

Holy shit Docker is 11 years old.

brian-gilmore 11 hours ago

aaah I love me some AJAM ;)

this_user 17 hours ago

Having recently used MQTT for a project, I can't say that I'm a huge fan. There are a lot of options in the protocol where it's not immediately clear what they do and why they are important, or in what combination they need to be used to make sure things work as intended, and the documentation is often not great at explaining. Part of this may also be on the Eclipse Mosquitto Python client that I had been using. I took me several days to figure out that the client was running into a race condition on a slower system that resulted in subscriptions to topics silently being ignored which caused the associated callbacks to malfunction despite following their documentation 100%. Overall, this has been one the messiest experienced I have ever had with a protocol, certainly one that isn't that old.

DannyBee 16 hours ago

So your client just sucks here.

My experience with the eclipse clients (paho, etc) is similar to yours in both python and C++, - it makes it overly complicated and seems very low level. It also is somewhat buggy because of the architecture.

I believe (perhaps wrongly), it's all basically maintained by one person or close to it (only one person has contributed to the C++ client in the past 6 months, for example, and nobody has contributed in the past 3), so i kind of understand how it's gotten this way over time.

I filed a simple PR (1 word change) to fix an obvious bug and it took 2 years to review it and accept it with no changes. Again not a complaint, just trying to portray how the state feels - a lot of libraries, bugs, and work, and few overworked people helping get it all done.

I moved to other clients and the experience is much much better in python, rust, C#, and C++.

Most of them have a good combination of high and low level API's, so if you just want to send a message on a topic, you don't have to worry about acks, retries, etc.

But if you need control, you can get it.

Honestly, i worry at this point that keeping paho/etc alive in this state is doing more harm than good - if they were officially dead it would at least force the issue. Right now you end up with users who have an experience like yours, and then either give up on MQTT or assume they are doing it wrong :)

vv_ 16 hours ago

After reading your post, I went looking for good C/C++ implementations suitable for embedded development, and honestly, I couldn’t find many! MQTT is typically straightforward to implement, so most companies develop their own version to better adapt to the specific systems they use for data transmission. That said, maybe this is an opportunity to create a well-designed MQTT client implementation tailored specifically for embedded devices! :)

accelbred 13 hours ago

I work for the team that maintains coreMQTT (

Its a C89 MQTT library intended for embedded devices.

tcshit 10 hours ago

There is a very nice MQTT client C++ implementation that works great on embedded devices too. As it so happens, it is right now under formal review for inclusion into Boost. It is called async-mqtt5 and can be found at:

ta988 15 hours ago

Could you list the clients you are using? Because like many I fell into paho and things are not great.

jorl17 17 hours ago

My experience using MQTT has been through the paho python MQTT library, and, while we definitely have managed to get a lot done, it has been a terrible experience.

Everything about it rubs me the wrong way. The API design, the poor documentation, even the way they seem to not adhere to typical python conventions.

It looks like it's easy to start using it, but then the breadth of protocols and implementations start getting to you. At a point in time, I remember the only reliable way we had of knowing if we had successfully connected to a server was to try to subscribe to a topic twice and catch a specific error code on the on_connect message (which actually was documented as a success code at the time). I know how crazy it sounds and maybe there was a better way to do it, but, if there was, I don't think it was that easy to find.

It's easy to complain, though. I'm very grateful so many people have worked to create this library. If they hadn't, I wouldn't have built what we've built with it. I really admire people who take on these huge projects.

HankB99 16 hours ago

I've used the Paho APIs in Python, C and C++ and moved on to not using any of these APIs. Where possible I use mosquitto_sub and mosquitto_pub to support the protocol and then just read/write standard input/output. It's not a matter of bugs (though I have encountered at least one) but rather it's just easier to use a program that's been written and tested to manage the connection to the broker.

The only place where I was unable to do this effectively was with the last will and testament message (and I might not have tried hard enough.) It also doesn't work with microcontrollers that don't run something like Linux.

qudat 13 hours ago

While not directly competing with mqtt, is a great pubsub tool that leverages ssh for communication, effectively creating an authenticated, networked *nix pipe system.

It tries to be the simplest way to send and receive events.

kitd 18 hours ago

About 15 years ago, Andy Stanford Clark's house became something of a news item, in the days before tweeting IoT devices were a thing:

The core protocol, devised in the days when 1 byte over a satellite link cost $1, is incredibly efficient and simple to implement.

miljen 17 hours ago

Fun fact: at the same time, the most famous C++ library, Boost, is reviewing the `async-mqtt5` implementation ( to be included in Boost as Boost.MQTT:

formerly_proven 17 hours ago

Is Boost still something people reach for in newer projects? Anecdotally most adoption I've seen happened in the 00s and very early 2010s (pre everyone mandating C++0x/C++11), I only rarely see it around these days.

edit: is a blast from the past, still looks exactly like I remember it from like 2008. Down to the "Get Boost" shopped on an emergency off button!

spacechild1 17 hours ago

AFAICT Boost.Asio is still the go-to networking library. (Though Asio is also available as a standalone outside of Boost, I didn't know that until recently.)

Apart from that, Boost has quite a few goodies such as Boost.Json, Boost.Program_options, Boost.Interprocess, Boost.Lockfree, Boost.Unordered, Boost.Dynamic_Bitset, etc.

Some libraries, like Boost.Atomic, Boost.Thread, Boost.Chrono and Boost.Filesystem, simply became obsolete with modern C++ versions. In fact, they served as the blueprint for the corresponding C++ standard libraries.

Personally, I have been wary of using Boost in the past because it's such huge library, but CMake integration is actually quite good these days and I found it pretty easy to use. Documentation is also quite good IMO.

miljen 17 hours ago

That is an interesting question. Here you can see the actual popularity of each library within Boost: Also, see the comments at My company has been heavily utilizing Boost.Asio and Boost.Beast, so we've definitely reached for Boost in newer projects as well.

happosai 12 hours ago

Boost appears to have become some kind of staging area for stdlib. Stuff that becomes popular in boost get eventually included in stdlib.