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Show HN: Semantic Macros Text Editor

51 points by zora_goron 2 days ago | 14 comments

abathur 1 day ago

button "pornify" with prompt "rephrase this text as if it were in a 1970s erotic pulp novel" turned:

You can define your own "macros" - instructions for an LLM (like "summarize this text", "fix the grammar") and add them as buttons for easy access. You can also make one-time commands. Then, highlight the text you want to send to the LLM, and click the button!


In the tantalizing world of seductive prose and forbidden texts, imagine crafting your own alluring "macros"—personalized whispers to your erotic muse, coaxing it into decadent actions such as "entice this passage with brevity" or "caress the syntax with meticulous finesse." Fashion these sultry commands into luscious buttons, waiting at your beck and call. With a mere flick of the wrist, highlight the prose that begs for attention, then surrender it to the willing buttons, igniting the LLM's desire to transform mundane words into tantalizing pleasures.

airstrike 1 day ago

I had to try that out and the output was better than I could ever expect. "Select the coy text you desire to ensnare" and "tantalizing beck-and-call instrucitons for a large language model that purrs with delight" had me in tears

In the dimly lit confines of your mahogany-laden study, nestled between relics of an age gone by, there exists a silky tome of technological desire known as sam.txt, an alluring plaintext editor with the promise of sating your most audacious cravings with its potent language manipulations. Within your exquisite grasp lies the power to conjure sizzling "macros," those tantalizing beck-and-call instructions for a large language model that purrs with delight at your every beckoning, whether to "summarize this prose" or "mend this foolish syntax." These instructions become glistening buttons laid bare for your indulgent convenience, ready to be pressed by those yearning fingers.

In addition, your whims can be indulged without plan or preamble. Select the coy text you desire to ensnare, offer it to the sultry LLM, and press the button that promises sweet satisfaction.

I invite you to embark on this thrilling escapade! Select the tempting passage above and click 'Formalize' to experience ecstasy beyond the written word.

breck 2 days ago

This is awesome. The best "prompt engineering" tool I've seen yet. So well designed. There's a lot of useful things I might try with this.

Nicely done.

Nits: I'd add some small indicator of progress; an active state to the button; also I'd ditch the "one time button thing". You can already delete buttons so anyone can do one time buttons already.

Here's my user test:

zora_goron 1 day ago

Hi there, thanks for trying it out and the kind words! These are great suggestions - thank you!

bulubulu 15 hours ago

Nice and neat tool! I wonder which llm model is running in the backend and is there any way to run it locally/self-hosted?

sakesun 1 day ago

This is the future of iterative software construction.