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MVCC – the part of PostgreSQL we hate the most (2023)

375 points by virtualwhys 3 days ago | 137 comments

hn_throwaway_99 3 days ago

Wow, as someone who feels like I'm decently familiar with the ins and outs of Postgres, I thought this was a great article and I learned a ton.

It seems like one of the biggest fundamental flaws is that Postgres chose the O2N approach for tracking row versions instead of N2O. While switching to N2O wouldn't solve all problems (e.g. the article also talks about how Postgres stores full row copies and not just diffs), from an "80/20 rule" perspective, it seems like it would get rid of most of the downsides with the current implementation. For example, I'd assume that the vast majority of the time that transactions want the latest row version, so using the N2O ordering means you could probably do away with storing each row version in an index, as you'd only need to traverse the linked list of you needed an older version, which should be much less common.

topherjaynes 2 days ago

You should check out Andy's History of Databases (CMU Databases / Spring 2020) on youtube. He does the entire first class from the streets of Amsterdam because he can't get in his hotel... he's an interesting character and he's insanely good at explaining the ins and out

Tostino 2 days ago

The content that his group puts out on YouTube is great. Been a little while since I caught up, but I was extremely impressed.

fweimer 3 days ago

The big advantage is that you do not need any extra space if your workload mostly consists of INSERTs (followed by table drops). And it's generally unnecessary to split up insertion transactions because there is no size limit as such (neither on the generated data or the total count of rows changed). There is a limit on statements in a transaction, but you can sidestep that by using COPY FROM if you do not have to switch tables too frequently. From a DBA point of view, there is no need to manage a rollback/undo space separately from table storage.

Every application is a bit different, but it's not that the PostgreSQL design is a loser in all regards. It's not like bubble sort.

winternewt 2 days ago

> Every application is a bit different, but it's not that the PostgreSQL design is a loser in all regards. It's not like bubble sort.

When doing game development in the early 2000s I learned that bubble sort is not a loser in all regards. It performs well when a list is usually almost sorted. One situation when this is the case is in 3D rendering, which sorts objects by their distance from the camera. As you move the camera around or rotate it, bubble sort works very well for re-sorting the objects given the order they had in the previous frame.

To prevent bad worst-case scenarios you can count the number of comparisons that failed on the last pass and the number of passes you have performed so far, then switch to a different sort algorithm after reaching a threshold.

jeltz 2 days ago

But wouldn't insertion sort be better than bubble sort in those cases?

15155 2 days ago

> It's not like bubble sort.

Bubble sort is great in hardware and for mostly-sorted sets.

personomas 2 days ago


indulona 3 days ago

> but it's not that the PostgreSQL design is a loser in all regards

the article literally says that pg's mvcc design is from the 90s and no one does it like that any more. that is technology that is outdated by over 30 years. i'd say it does not make it a loser in all regards, but in the most important aspects.

mikeocool 3 days ago

When it comes to your data store, some people might consider using technology that’s been reliably used in production by many organizations for 30 years a feature not a bug.

I’d prefer not to be the first person running up against a limit or discovering a bug in my DB software.

mannyv 3 days ago

Well every product has issues. The question is, do you feel like dealing with those issues or not?

Flat files have also been reliably used in production for decades. That doesn't mean they're ideal...although amusingly enough s3 and its equivalent of flat files is what we've migrated to as a data store.

diroussel 2 days ago

It would be quite nice to have some of the S3 semantics on local files. Like no one else can the see the file until after you’ve finished writing the file and committed it. And being able to put almost any chara in the file name (key). That is quite nice in S3

simne 2 days ago

Tell this to developers of Ariane 5, who used old proven software from Ariane 4.

Many people consider this most expensive bug in history, when on first flight of Ariane 5, it enters speed range, which was hard prohibited in Ariane 4 software and caused software exception and then 1 billion crashed.

Honesty, they could re-check all ranges, but they decided, it would cost like write new software, so to save money, was made decision to just use old software, without additional checks.

j16sdiz 2 days ago

> the article literally says that pg's mvcc design is from the 90s and...

Actually, it is 1980s. The article:

> Its design is a relic of the 1980s and before the proliferation of log-structured system patterns from the 1990s.

kunley 3 days ago

Still I am very happy to use every day the technology designed in early 70s by Ken Thompson and colleagues, so far in that specific field many tried to invent something more "modern" and "better" and failed, with an exception of a certain Finnish clone of that tech, also started in 80s by the way.

So, newer not always means better, just saying

nine_k 3 days ago

Speaking of which, if you try an actual System V in an emulator, or look at C code in K&R style, certain progress, as in "much more actually usable", can be noticed.

While persisting key architectural ideas certainly has benefits, so does evolving their implementations.

kunley 21 hours ago

Yes I agree that implementations must evolve. Still, there are cases where old architectures are just brilliant.

Having said that, I need to add, I am not an expert to say MVCC is good enough to be considered equally good like other write-concurrency mechanism in SQL databases. My example was given to just have a caution when judging, especially that the original counterexample had mentioned notoriously bad architectures (hello, MySQL...)

gregw2 2 days ago

Err, Linux is a child of the 90s...

Linus began work on it in April 1991:

kunley 1 day ago

Btw, hard not to love the line "it's just a hobby, won't be big" from original announcement of Linus... Be careful what you promise ;)

kunley 1 day ago

I was under impression that he started around 1989 and also that's when he had a debate with prof. Tanenbaum, but now I see it was later. My mistake

throwawayie6 3 days ago

> exception of a certain Finnish clone of that tech

Are you referring to C++? That was actually created by a Danish guy, who was also inspired by the object oriented Simula language created in the 60s

nneonneo 3 days ago

Pretty sure the OP was referring to UNIX and its “Finnish clone” Linux.

naranha 3 days ago

At least couchdb is also append only with vacuum. So it's maybe not completely outdated.

jbellis 3 days ago

High performance has never been a reason to use couchdb.

OrvalWintermute 3 days ago

This article is incorrect IMO - the following section in particular.

“ In the 2000s, the conventional wisdom selected MySQL because rising tech stars like Google and Facebook were using it. Then in the 2010s, it was MongoDB because non-durable writes made it “webscale“. In the last five years, PostgreSQL has become the Internet’s darling DBMS. And for good reasons! It’s dependable, feature-rich, extensible, and well-suited for most operational workloads.”

Smart engineers were choosing postgres not because of the logical fallacy of popularum, but for the following reasons:

Data safety - not MyIsam, ACID, Similarity to Oracle, MVCC, SQL standards adherence, Postgres team, Helpful awesome community, Data types, High performance, BSD flexibility

Above are the reasons I selected Postgres while at ATT early 2000s and our Oracle DBA found it a very easy transition. While Mysql went through rough transitions, PG has gone from strength to strength and ever improving path.

I think Bruce Momjian is a big part of this success; they truly have an excellent community. <3

andruby 2 days ago

Similar. My preference switched from MySQL to PostgreSQL in 2005 when I wanted to use database views to create a "live" compatibility layer between an old (AS400) database schema and a modern Rails app.

The preference kept growing thanks to data safety, DDL's in transactions, etc.

mxey 2 days ago

> The need for PostgreSQL to modify all of a table’s indexes for each update has several performance implications. Obviously, this makes update queries slower because the system has to do more work.

You know, I was wondering something regarding this write amplification. It's true that MySQL doesn't need to update its indexes like that. However, MySQL replication relies on the binlog, where every change has to be written in addition to the database itself (InnoDB redo log and so on). So, it seems to me, MySQL, if used in a cluster, has a different kind of write amplification. One that PostgreSQL does not have, because it reuses its WAL for the replication.

In addition, on the receiving side, MySQL first writes the incoming binlog to the relay log. The relay log is then consumed by the applier threads, creating more InnoDB writes and (by default) more binlog.