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A new artificial intelligence tool for cancer

110 points by mgh2 3 days ago | 46 comments

sjmcmahon 3 days ago

It's probably worth noting that there's a lot of discussion about challenges reproducing the workflow of this paper, and that as-described it seems to suffer from data leakage, so much so that you can replace sections of their algorithm with random initialisation and get at least as good results. See, e.g.:

Having been on both sides of the reviewing process, it seems incredibly difficult to get good peer review of data-intensive studies in medicine, as few people have the time to really dig into the detail of these models.

ericjmorey 3 days ago

Maybe there should be a system in place to fund that sort of thing.

TeslaCoils 3 days ago

Nature article and reproducibility? Reminds me of

bcks 3 days ago

Unrelated, "Harvard cancer institute moves to retract six studies, correct 31 others amid data manipulation claims"

pama 3 days ago

fernly 3 days ago

The _abstract_ is there; the full paper costs $29.99 or you need a university access id.

aydyn 3 days ago

Sounds promising but still needs to be independently validated. Its always wise to take AI medical research with a grain of salt.

TechDebtDevin 3 days ago

Its Harvard, I would literally be more excited for the same announcement from the University or Wyoming.

>Sounds promising

More fabrications from one of the biggest grifting institutions on Earth, Harvard.

So sick of their name even having merit. They literally license their name to sell fake textbooks at airports. Why are they even allowed on here.

Alifatisk 3 days ago

Is Harvard that bad? I assumed they were prestige.

next_xibalba 3 days ago

There has been a lot of news about academic fraud at Harvard lately (although some cases date back decades). It’s pretty bad when the leader of the institution gets busted for it. Harvard’s reputation is in free fall. Anytime I see Harvard attached to some big announcement, I just assume the result has been p-hacked, exaggerated, or otherwise manipulated.

InkCanon 3 days ago

The root of prestige is the Latin word praestigium, which means an illusion or delusion. One of the most poetic pieces of etymology in todays society.

LoganDark 3 days ago

That's what they want you to think. I mean this entirely non-sarcastically. I don't know exactly how bad they are or aren't, but they work hard to look like prestige.

neom 3 days ago

"They literally license their name to sell fake textbooks at airports."

...huh? Can't find anything about this on google.