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The Languages of English, Math, and Programming

158 points by stereoabuse 4 days ago | 47 comments

nick0garvey 4 days ago

I took a Udacity class by Norvig [1] and my abilities as a programmer clearly were improved afterward.

His code here demonstrates why. It is both shorter and much easier to understand than anything the LLMs generated. It is not always as efficient as the LLMs (who often skip the third loop by calculating the last factor), but it is definitely the code I would prefer to work with in most situations.


fifilura 3 days ago

Working extensively in SQL for a while also gives you another perspective of programming. There is just no way you can write this with a for loop in SQL since it does not (generally) have for loops.

  WITH all_numbers AS
      SELECT generate_series as n
      FROM generate_series(1, 108) as n
  divisors AS
      SELECT *
      FROM all_numbers
      WHERE 108 % n = 0
  permutations as
      SELECT a.n as n1, b.n as n2, c.n as n3
      FROM divisors as a
        CROSS JOIN divisors as b
        CROSS JOIN divisors as c
  FROM permutations
  WHERE n1 * n2 * n3 =  108
      AND n1 < n2 And n2 < n3 
  ORDER BY  n1, n2, n3

upghost 4 days ago

Single handedly most important class in my career back in the day. It took me 3 months to really grok and generalize the Qpig algorithm, even my professors couldn't explain it.

It's amazing how he never used the words "AI" once in this course despite the fact that it is a straight up AI course.

I revisit the course notes at least once a year and I still walk away with something new every time.

abecedarius 3 days ago

I've recommended his book PAIP despite the AI in the title because you can take it as about the craft of programming (I mean things like style and efficiency, not the bare beginning of being able to code at all) -- using old-fashioned AI as the subject matter. To learn better coding you gotta code something.

upghost 3 days ago

Yes, this book is an incredible gem. Hard to believe that one human wrote it. I've been attempting to mine its secrets for a long time. Sometimes it makes me a little embarassed that I've probably spent more time trying to understand it than he spent researching/writing it but I am appreciative that it exists.

But it's especially great if you want to appreciate PN's code more. He actually offers explanations of choices for his distinctive style of coding here. His 6 rules for good code are particularly good. He says they are for good lisp but I think they broadly apply to any language:

*Edit:* After reading this book I am often really surprised that this book is not referenced as often or more often than SICP is. Not the time or place for a soapbox rant but SICP is often cited as landmark functional programming text when in fact it is largely advocating OO practices implemented in scheme, whereas PAIP really demonstrates full power FP programming on display (type system independent), and where OO practices such as CLOS are used he is quite explicit about it.

abecedarius 3 days ago

I think this is well enough explained by how unfashionable GOFAI and Common Lisp both are. Fashion matters a lot more than I thought in my youth.

Speculating: the sheer bulk of the book might also push people away. It's usually an anti-signal for riches within.

JohnKemeny 3 days ago

What's the Qpig algorithm?

upghost 3 days ago

Q as in maximum expected utility for a given move, Pig as in the dice game of Pig.

Yes, I know that you can get the Q value via RL with Bellman equation or non-parametric evo learning, but at the time I didn't know that and I'm glad I didn't.

Depending on how you count, this code features either 2 or 4 mutually recursive functions, something that is quite rare in Python (esp outside the context of an FSM) but is a signature of PN code.

I had to learn so much about so many things to untangle it.

TaurenHunter 3 days ago

quantile function for the Poisson-inverse Gaussian?

l33t7332273 3 days ago

> It is both shorter and much easier to understand than anything the LLMs generated.

I think this makes sense. LLMs are trained on average code on average. This means they produce average code, on average.

olliemath 3 days ago

Actually most of the LLMs algos are less efficient than the readable human one, even with only two nested loops. Only one of them precalculates the factors which makes the biggest difference (there are log2(N) factors, worst case, for large N and a triple loop over those is better than a double loop over 1..N).

underdeserver 3 days ago

I'm just here to point out that since Python 3.10, you don't need to import anything from typing anymore, you could use the built-in types for annotation:

  from math      import prod
  from itertools import combinations

  def find_products(k=3, N=108) -> set[tuple[int, ...]]:
    """A list of all ways in which `k` distinct positive integers have a product of `N`.""" 
    factors = {i for i in range(1, N + 1) if N % i == 0}
    return {ints for ints in combinations(factors, k) if prod(ints) == N}


superlopuh 3 days ago

The typing version is still useful when you want to communicate that the result conforms to a certain interface, which doesn't include mutability in the case of Set, but not the exact type.

Edit: I see that he imported the typing Set, which is deprecated, instead of, which is still useful, so your comment is correct.

earslap 4 days ago

It is more obvious when taken to extreme: With the current feedforward transformer architectures, there is a fixed amount of compute per token. Imagine asking a very hard question with a yes/no answer to an LLM. There are infinite number of cases where the compute available to the calculation of the next token is not enough to definitively solve that problem, even given "perfect" training.

You can increase the compute for allowing more tokens for it to use as a "scratch pad" so the total compute available will be num_tokens * ops_per_token but there still are infinite amount of problems you can ask that will not be computable within that constraint.

But, you can offload computation by asking for the description of the computation, instead of asking for the LLM to compute it. I'm no mathematician but I would not be surprised to learn that the above limit applies here as well in some sense (maybe there are solutions to problems that can't be represented in a reasonable number of symbols given our constraints - Kolmogorov Complexity and all that), but still for most practical (and beyond) purposes this is a huge improvement and should be enough for most things we care about. Just letting the system describe the computation steps to solve a problem and executing that computation separately offline (then feeding it back if necessary) is a necessary component if we want to do more useful things.

segmondy 4 days ago

Tried these with some local models and these are the ones that generated the program one shot, a few of them also generated the results correctly one shot.

llama3.1-70b, llama3.1-405b, deepseekcoder2.5, gemma-27b, mistral-large, qwen2.5-72b.

I like how the solution sort of varies across most, tho mistral and qwen look really similar.

assadk 3 days ago

What specs does your machine have to run these models locally?