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Probabalistic Spin Glass (2022)

36 points by 082349872349872 4 days ago | 4 comments

Maro 13 hours ago

Hi, I'm the author of these articles.

I'm a physicist, and it always bugged me that we use Hamiltonians/energy/interactions to define spin glasses. I wondered if it'd be possible to just use raw probabilities on a grid and get the same/similar behaviour (eg. phase transitions, long-range correlations, etc).

So I played around with this idea for quite a while by running MC simulations, and ended up writing these articles (on my blog) about it.

But beware (i) none of this is peer-reviewed and (ii) I'm not a practicing academic physicist [so I may have missed things that would be obvious to a practicing academic physicist].

If anybody is interested in this, hit me up, happy to speak and/or play with the topic again.

leumassuehtam 17 minutes ago

What do you mean peer reviewed? This is the standard textbook way of numerically studying Ising models.

foehrenwald 14 hours ago

the word is "probabilistic"

deepnet 16 hours ago

Spin glasses are a proposed model of learning in Neural Nets[0] along with state changes and sand pile collapses.

So this paper is worth reading if you study learning in neural nets

[0] Spin-glass models of neural networks Amit et al 1985

This was why Hopfield was awarded a physics Nobel - spin glasses as emergent learning.

Along with Expected Energy of Brownian motion in gases for Hinton’s Boltzmann Machines ( and of course backprop being Newtonian downhill on the manifold of correctness ).

Langland’s worthy crossovers and the utility of the generalisation.