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How to leverage Claude's capabilities with interactive visualization

127 points by allan666 5 days ago | 31 comments

doctorpangloss 4 days ago

Yesterday my company changed a single line to switch our application’s LLM backend API from Claude to ChatGPT, because Claude started adding stuff its answers in QA style prompts that it wasn’t before, at least since August 1st.

I wish I could pay for a guarantee of performance, really quantization, which seems so simple but because it can 2-4x decrease their costs, LLM API providers keep quantizing and distilling without telling anyone. It’s a longer journey: to be an enterprise API. Which by the way, is a terrible business to be in.

mellosouls 4 days ago

This is interesting and appreciated but I'm not sure it's a Show HN unless the OP is representing Anthropic?

rubslopes 4 days ago

All 3 submissions of OP start with "Show HN". I think they are not aware of HN protocols.

diggan 4 days ago

All 9:

To OP:

> Show HN is for something you've made that other people can play with. HN users can try it out, give you feedback, and ask questions in the thread.

> The project must be something you've worked on personally and which you're around to discuss.

zurfer 4 days ago

Well done. We are building something similar [1] and found that generating UIs (mostly charts) on the fly works surprisingly well in most cases, but can be a bit frustrating if you know exactly what you want and just can't prompt it (as a user) to do that because of some edge case.

While this is a cool demo that shows what LLMs can do I am a bit surprised how polished and advanced it looks (even PDF upload) for a quick start. Anyway I love that it's open source so we can learn from it.


zurfer 4 days ago

Here is a link to the prompt.

On a second glance I'd say that the visualizations are pretty limited but good enough for a demo.

croes 4 days ago

They want and need your data, of course they make it easy for you to give them what they want

fblp 4 days ago

Are there any other services out there like that help do analysis?

zurfer 4 days ago

There are a bunch that I put into this list: ( probably missing a similar amount since many people try)

I would be curious to understand why you are looking for an alternative?

dash2 4 days ago

This seems like Anthropic showing people how to build a thin layer around Claude. Can building a thin layer around Claude be a valuable business model? If there are good profitable UIs for Claude, wouldn't Anthropic implement them itself?

anonzzzies 4 days ago

I would indeed (like Altman promised for OpenAI; 'we're gonna steamroll you'), implement all these cases (and many more) on their side, so their 'chat' becomes a full toolkit for building, visualising, prompting etc and allow people to plugin their data/processes (maybe with a few partners for that part which they can easily replace or have multiple of).

Currently, the "Added to project" button that remains for n seconds and you have to wait for to add another file (sometimes Claude generates 4-5 files per chat) is such an annoyance that I guess they should stick to training and nothing else.

fragmede 4 days ago

Opportunity cost. Anthropic's deal is in training Claude and whatever they choose to call their next model, not whatever weird little niche you're going after. I might not go after programming, but, say, a dnd character backstory generator would be a wrapper that's probably not interesting enough for them to build themselves to compete with yours. Or maybe it is, but your DND character backstory generator also doesn't have to use anthropic as the backend, there are others for you to choose from, so it's a bit of a standoff.

Larrikin 4 days ago

But is there any reason to use them besides a demo to investors while you actually build the business on llama? Why build a business with a permanent subscription that's the entire core to your business?

fragmede 4 days ago

because for this hypothetical niche, Claude is better than llama. now whether or not that's actually true, I don't know, but while it would be nice to sell shovels in a gold rush, not everyone has the privilege of being able to do that. In this metaphor, some people only know how to mine for gold, and pivoting to selling shoves is an entirely different skillset that the miner doesn't posess.

peer2pay 4 days ago

I think the idea here is to build a thin layer but BYOD.

I currently work for a company where most our value add lies in the data collection, cleaning and running of proprietary algorithms. A UI like this would be a game changer for us and something that Anthropic couldn’t easily replicate due to all the IP in our data pipeline.

billsunshine 4 days ago this. There is no value capture in building a shell around Claude

Viliam1234 4 days ago

Perhaps there is a lot of money you could get in short term. Enough to pay the costs and generate some profit.

Also, most people are not computer experts; if you show them something can be done using your website, they will continue to do it using your website long after others have added the same functionality.